Male Ally of the Month

New this year, “Male Ally of the Month,” a column that focuses on the men going out of their way to support women in the hospitality industry. While we all know they don’t have to help, these guys want to help, and this new column will take the time to find out how and why they are determined to help us reach gender equality.

A true Champion and Educator!

I have faced the same challenges that many ethnic minorities and women face when trying to advance in corporate America. My experience is hardly unique. But I have been fortunate to have had great mentors along the way who have helped make my journey easier. Overcoming those challenges required persistence, positivity, and passion. No matter how many doors closed in my face or how many opportunities slipped by, I never lost sight of my goals. I have been inspired by mentors like Sonny Sra and Dan Hatch, who were both former bosses of mine, and Horst Schulze, my colleague at St. Justine, among many others. To reference Isaac Newton, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

No matter how many doors closed in my face or how many opportunities slipped by, I never lost sight of my goals.

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Emily Goldfischer

Curious journalist. Founder Editor-in-Chief of the Hertelier online media platform. Strategic thinker and effective communicator with a deep understanding of the global travel and hospitality industry and its impact on consumers, employees and employers.


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